Saturday, February 25, 2012

my reading history

i never was interested in reading, it just doesn't excite me. Reading to me is boring i could start reading a page and by the time i get to the middle i'm ready to stop, can't get into it. they only time you'll catch my reading is when it has to deal with school other than that i'm like get that book out my face.


  1. Why do you think you feel this way about reading? Did you enjoy being read to by your teachers in elementary school? Do you think you would like audio books? Many good books are on CD now. It would be nice to read a little bit more about some of your experiences with reading.

  2. I was in your shoes before, I couldn't stand reading if it didn't have nothing to do with school.But the higher my education the more i had to read stories in my English classes. Then one day i realize i could finish reading and understanding books faster than i was before. Overall reading helps, even if you are not in school read from time to time it increases your fluency in reading and understanding what you're reading.
